It was too early to release the first version of Labyrinth without proper checking. Even considering "alpha" status of the project. The issue was found almost immediately, though I did not have a time to fix it.
Pygtk in OS2008 and in SDK 4.0 does not support method `to_string` for gtk.gdk.Color, only attributes: "pixel", "red", "green" and "blue". The method is used to store RGB color values like 127/64/0 in hex text "#007f0040000". Can someone advise why it's not working on maemo? The web site says "This method is available in PyGTK 2.12 and above.", however OS2008 contains:
>>> import gtk
>>> gtk.ver
(2, 14, 0)
This was the workaround for the issue:
def color_to_string(color):
return "#00%02x00%02x00%02x" % (,,
Now as the saving is fixed the only porting task left is maemo's Virtual Keyboard support ;)